Meeting Minutes



June  19th, 2023

Lots of new face’s again.  Welcome to our club.


The meeting was brought to order.


Our guest speaker was Terry Knop.  Terry talked about different honey spinners.

Terry also talked about was to get the moisture out of your honey.   He showed us the system he uses to remove moisture; using a stand, queen excluder, filter material and a fan.

He also showed us how he catches the capping’s that he cuts off the frame before putting the frames into the spinner.

Terry reminded us to use food grade grease for our extractors.


Eleanor Schmocker was in attendance.  Thank you Eleanor  for being with us.    Joann talked about Elenor’s upcoming virtual learning on how to collect wild flower seeds.

Joann also referenced 2 books; “Plants & Bees” and “Plants not to plant”  for bees.     She spoke about planting for all the seasons and planting enough of 1 kind of flower per 3 x 3 plot.

Another book that was mentioned was by Eva Crain – “The value of plants for bees”.


May 15, 2023

6p.m.   Bee yard

Lots of new members in the yard today.

Hive #1  Lots of bees & capped brood.  Both shallows that were placed last month were apx. 90% filled.  Jesse placed another empty shallow next to the top brood box.

Hive #2     Upon opening the hive it was found that a queen cage was left in the top box.  With catching swarms and Life – Stuff just happens. 🙂   The next swarm that Jesse catches he will place it in the hive.

8 p.m.  Meeting

Doug brought the meeting to order and Joanne read last months minutes.l


       Joanne did another “Don’t You Know”.   This time it was on ways to clean your smoker.  As always it was very informative.


Doug introduced 2 Bee Inspectors in attendance tonight.  

Elenore Schamacker & Becky Tabor.  They are both Apiary Inspectors.



      Mike Grant was a speaker tonight and talked about limited hive boxes with lots of honey production.



             Brandon 1 of our apprentice bee keepers. He started working                          bees 3 yrs. ago.  He now has 14 hives.  He is now starting to take queen cells to hatch out.     Check him out on Face Book – Loven the Farm


Elenore talked about creating a pollinator flower garden.   She recommended to check with your areas extension office as some areas consider White and Yellow sweet clover invasive.    Thank you Elenore.

 Check out our chat page for more information on what was talked about tonight.


We are still looking for suggestions for our make it take it day.


Next meeting – June 19th

No Bee Meeting in July


April 17, 2023


6 p.m.    Bee yard

Last month we reversed the brood boxes & added 1 shallow to each hive.

At this month’s check both hives had filled & mostly capped honey in all frames.  Both hives needed more boxes added.

The West hive had 15 swarm cells. All were clipped and removed.  We will be adding another deep box.

We will be adding more shallows on both hives.   May stop swarming may not.


7p.m. Meeting

Doug brought the meeting to order and introduced the new members to the club.  Welcome all.

Doug talked more about swarm control.   Joann introduced a swarm control method called Demaree. 


https://youtu.be/egHj8JzAcqo    ( long version)

https://youtu.be/mQ6CE8nCbHQ    (short version)


Talk then moved to food requirements to encourage spring build up.


Don’t forget to get your dues paid for the 2023 year.   Contact Deanna @  “medicalbilling09@gmail.com”


We are looking for suggestions for our make it take it day.


Our Young Apprenticeship program is going to start back up.

It is for anyone 12-18 yr. Applications are due back to the club by May 15th.



March 20th 2023


Jesse did not go into the hives today as it was too cold and windy.

Doug Leedle (our 2023 President) brought the meeting to order.

Deanna ( our 2023 Secretary) gave a report on our club finances. 

Dues payed to date:  $260.00 

Don’t forget to get your dues paid for the 2023 year.   Contact Deanna @  “medicalbilling09@gmail.com”


Jesse talked about different swarm traps.  If you are going to put swarm traps up they need to go up now.

Jesse also talked about swarm prevention and the signs that might show possible swarm.


Doug also talked about swarms, installing packaged bees and making splits.

If you are in need of packaged bees or nucs contact Doug or Rose @ https://leedlebees.com/

JoAnn talked about what she is doing with her hives right now for supplemental feeding for the bees and larvae.

*See the Blog page for more information on these subjects.


We are looking for suggestions for our make it take it day.


Our Young Apprenticeship program is going to start back up.

It is for anyone 12-18 yr. Applications are due back to the club by May 15th.


Kent Williams Bee school – April 20th – 22nd


Next meeting –  April 17th

6p.m. Hives – outside weather permitting

7p.m. Meeting


December 5th 2022

JoAnn brought our meeting to order and after a prayer members enjoyed  a pork and chicken meal.  Thank you to everyone that brought sides and desserts.

JoAnn then introduced Ken Williams (EAS Master Beekeeper) our guest speaker for the night.

Ken spoke of Hive Life – social media group and the 5 most important topics concerning our honey bees.  1. Bee health

                     2. Queen(s)

                              3.  Food/Feeding

Ken also spoke about our concerns with SHB and some ways to help control them.

Also the topic of Black queen cell virus was discussed.

See our blog for more information about these topics.

It was then time to make nominations of officers.

Our new officers are as follows

President:  Doug Leedle

V.P.:  Terry Knoppe

Treasurer:  Deanna Lynch

Secretary:   JoAnn  Fleming

Our next meeting will be Febuary 20th 2023




 Next meeting:

December 5th, 2022      402 Ava Rd, Murphysboro.

This is our end of year meeting.  We will have the election of new officers.   Guest speaker will be Kent Williams

     We will have a Pot luck dinner.   The main dish is provided by Bandanas.  Everyone is asked to bring a side dish and/or dessert.   Something made with honey.

Meeting starting at 7 p.m.


October 17th meeting

JoAnn &  Jesse talking about preparing our hives for winter.

JoAnn & Jesse talked about ways to insulate your hives.    Feeding  sugar water on the warm days to suppliment  hives.     Jesse also talked about SHB  (small hive beetle)  being present in the winter  and that there are several ways to treat SHB in the winter.  
JoAnn spoke about the use of hive blankets, the reduction of boxes, reducing the entrance  and the use of quilt boxes.

See our blog page for some of their suggestions.

                                           Hope to see you all in December and remember.

April 18,2022


             The meeting started with opening of the hives at 6:00p with Jess.  

 It was  chilly & windy so a quick peek done.


Business Meeting:


Joann Fleming called the meeting to order at 7:03p.m.

We have the new website up and going its web address is



If you haven’t renewed your membership, please see Deanna.


Young Apprenticeship going to start back up. It is for anyone 12-18 yr. Applications are due back to the club by May 15th.


We are also helping out with the Heroes to Hive.

This is for our veterans to help them with PTSD.


Heartland Apicultural Society will hold a meeting June 28, 2022 – July 1, 2022 in Evansville, Indiana. You can go to https://www.heartlandbees.org/ for more information on this event.


Topics of discussion at tonight’s meeting were Preventing Swarming, Hive Autopsy, Bee Anatomy and keeping track of hive. Thanks to all that help with this.


Treasure Report:

        Dues Collected:                              $20.00

        Balance                                             $4,201.93


Next meeting: May 16, 2022 at 402 Ava Rd, Murphysboro. Weather permitting hive opening will be at 6p.

Respectfully Submitted By

Deanna Lynch



February 21, 2022


The meeting started with opening of the hives at 6:00p with Jess.

Business Meeting:

Rose called the meeting to order at 7:25p.m.

We have a new website it’s web address is https://www.si-allabuzz.com/ Thank you Cheryl

for getting this together for us.

We are looking at getting business cards made for the group.

We still need to look into getting someone for the President and Vice President position.

We had to replace some of the wood on the bleachers. Jess was to pick up the items for that. Jess brought in an est. for 130.00 for just the wood. We allowed 150.00 for the complete project.

Heartland Apicultural Society will hold a meeting June 28, 2022 – July 1, 2022 in Evansville, Indiana. You can go to https://www.heartlandbees.org/ for more information on this event.

If anyone would like to put a field day together just let either Jess, Deanna or Joann know.

We are looking at having a clean up day. If anyone has any suggestions on a day and time please let Jess or Deanna know.

Treasure Report:

        Dues Collected:                              $20.00

        Leede’s:                                             $63.87


        Balance                                             $4,201.93


 Next meeting: April 18, 2022 at 402 Ava Rd, Murphysboro.

Weather permitting hive opening will be at 6p.

Respectfully Submitted By

Deanna Lynch