2023 Meeting Dates
6p.m. Outside 7p.m. Inside
Feb. 20th March 20th April 17th May 15th
June 19th July no meeting Aug. 21st
Sept. 18th Oct. 23rd Nov. No meeting
Dec. 4th
Young Beekeepers apprenticeship
S.I. All A Buzz Bees Young Beekeeper Apprenticeship will start back up in the spring of 2023
For anyone 12-18 yr.
We will provide you with : Starter hive and bees, Bee suit, Smoker, Hive tool and 2 mentors
Applications are available thru S.I. All A Buzz .com
Leedle Houme Bees is having their beginner beekeeping classes.
Classes begin February 25 5 Sunday classes Each class is 3 hrs
2023 American Beekeeping Federation Conference & Tradeshow
ABF’s 80th Anniversary
Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront
Jacksonville, Florida
https://www.abfnet.org/mpage/2023Conference Registration
Early registration discounts until November 29, 2022
Mississippi Valley Beekeepers Association
ISBA Summer Conference
July 14th & 15th
Quincy, Illinois
Guest Speakers:
Kamon Reynolds, Randy McCaffrey, Natalee Summers, Jeff Horchoff, Cory Stevens, Elsa Gallagher and many more
Check them out on Youtube